Cartoon Source: Spine & Orthopedic Center1
Learners and teachers agree that humor fosters a positive didactic atmosphere.
Interesting clinical cases are the most-used type of humor and are considered effective by learners. 2
Cartoon Source: Spine & Orthopedic Center3
Lack of humorous material related to the subject is the main challenge cited by teachers.
Healthcare Simulation Sim Junkie Journal.
Unplugged. Uncensored. Unbiased.
Liu YP, Sun L, Wu XF, Yang Y, Zhang CT, Zhou HL, Quan XQ. Use of humour in medical education: a survey of students and teachers at a medical school in China. BMJ Open. 2017 Nov 28;7(11):e018853. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018853. PMID: 29187417; PMCID: PMC5719277.